How to Configure VNCI PT3G Wireless Connection

Step 1: Update to the Latest Version

  • Install the Latest Software:
    • Download and install the most recent version of the VNCI PT3G Device Manager.
    • Update the VNCI PT3G firmware to the latest version.
    • Current Version (as of 07/04/2024):
      • VNCI Device Manager: v2.0
      • Firmware Version:

Step 2: Connect VNCI PT3G for Wireless Configuration

  • USB Cable Connection:
    • Connect the VNCI PT3G to the PIWIS3 software using a USB cable.
    • Switch to the wireless configuration mode via the USB connection.

Step 3: Configure Network Information for WiFi and AP Connections

1. Configure WiFi Connection:

  • WiFi Infrastructure Setup:
    1. Select the menu option “VCI Settings -> WiFi Infrastructure.”
    2. Enter your network name (SSID) and password.
    3. Ensure the checkbox is checked to enable the configuration.
    4. Click “Update VCI” to save the configuration settings.

2. Configure AP (Access Point) Connection:

  • AP Connection Setup:
    1. Select the menu option “VCI Settings -> Wireless Access Point.”
    2. Customize the wireless network name (default: “PTG_VCI_{Device Number}”) and set a password.
    3. Make sure to check the checkbox to activate the AP configuration.
    4. Click “Update VCI” to save the settings.

Step 4: Pair the PIWIS3 System with VNCI PT3G

  • Pairing Process:
    • After configuring the WiFi and AP connections, pair the VNCI PT3G with the PIWIS3 system on your current computer.
    • Important: You must re-pair the VNCI PT3G every time you change the PIWIS3 computer.
    • Pairing Steps:
      1. Select the “VCI Settings” menu -> “Wireless LAN Access Point.”
      2. Click the “Pair Now” button.
      3. If the pairing is successful, a “✔” will appear; if unsuccessful, an “×” will be displayed.

Step 5: Disconnect USB and Restart PIWIS3 Software

1. Wireless Connection via WiFi Infrastructure:

  • Ensure Proper Network Connection:
    1. Confirm that the computer is connected to the same network as the VNCI PT3G.
    2. Connect the VNCI PT3G to the vehicle or an OBD16 power supply. Press and hold the VNCI PT3G button until the LED light status changes.
  • Verify Connection:
    • The VNCI PT3G will emit a deep sound when it connects to PIWIS3 via WiFi infrastructure, and the PIWIS3 software will display the wireless connection icon.

2. Wireless Connection via WiFi Access Point:

  • AP Connection Setup:
    1. Connect the VNCI PT3G to the vehicle or an OBD16 power supply. Press and hold the VNCI PT3G button until the LED light status changes.
  • Enter AP Password:
    • Enter the custom password for the AP connection. Once the device emits a long low beep, the PIWIS3 software will display the wireless connection icon.


  • AP Connection Requires a Wireless Adapter:
    • If your computer has only one wireless adapter, you won’t be able to access the Internet while using the AP connection mode.
    • To connect to the Internet while using AP mode, you will need an external WiFi adapter.

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