Getting Started with JPRO: Connecting to a Vehicle

Today, we’ll walk you through how to get started with JPRO and connect to a vehicle.

First, power on your laptop and ensure you have an active internet connection. If you’re using a newer LTE card, this should connect automatically. If not, click on the Wi-Fi icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen to verify or establish a connection.

Next, launch JPRO by double-clicking the JPRO icon on your desktop. Once the home screen appears, it’s time to connect to the truck.

Start by plugging the USB cable into the port on the adapter labeled Computer and connect the other end to an available USB port on your laptop. Then, select the appropriate diagnostic cable for your vehicle. Heavy- and medium-duty cables are color-coded based on the truck’s diagnostic port, while off-highway cables are black.

For this example, we’re connecting to an International WorkStar, so we’ll use the green 9-pin cable. Connect this cable to the 26-pin port on the adapter labeled Vehicle, then attach the other end to the truck’s diagnostic port.

Verifying Connection & Establishing Communication

Ensure the diagnostic cable is properly aligned with the vehicle’s port. Then, check the adapter lights—there should be a blinking data light, indicating communication is active.

For full functionality, turn the key to the Key On, Engine On position. Now, in JPRO, click the Connect button at the top-left of the screen and select your connector. JPRO will begin the connection process, which typically takes about a minute.

During this process, you may hear clicking noises from your DLA adapter—this is completely normal. You’ll notice a message in the top-left corner stating that JPRO is acquiring vehicle information. Once the data has been analyzed, it will populate on the main screen.

Wait until the connection is fully established, indicated by the toolbar at the top illuminating and the acquiring vehicle details message disappearing.

Congratulations! You’re now connected and ready to diagnose and troubleshoot the vehicle with JPRO.

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